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Metolius River Loop
Distance: Approx. 27.9 miles
Elevation: 1,009’
Difficulty: Easy to moderate (some trails are unsigned, so a bit of way-finding may be needed)
Surface: Mix of Forest Service roads and dirt single track
PRT: Eagle Rock to Outlook
Distance: Approx. 18.8 miles
Elevation: 548’
Difficulty: Easy
Surface: Mix of Forest Service roads and dirt single track
Lazy Z Loop
Distance: Approx. 7 miles
Elevation: 365’
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Surface: Forest service roads and dirt single track
Sisters to Smith Rock (Road)
Distance: Approx. 36.5 miles
Elevation: 957’
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Road Ride
Surface: Paved Road
Two Buttes Gravel Loop
Distance: Approx. 51.3 miles
Elevation: 3,440
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Gravel Ride
Surface: Mix of FS roads and some pavement
Gravel Loop to Tumalo Reservoir
Distance: Approx. 31.8 miles
Elevation: 1,063
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Type: Gravel Ride
Surface: Mix of FS roads, pavement, and dirt single track
Sisters Classic Gravel Loop
Distance: Approx. 26 miles
Elevation: 1,761
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Gravel Ride
Surface: Mostly FS roads and some pavement
Whychus Creek Overlook
Distance: Approx. 1 mile
Elevation: 0
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Hiking
Surface: Packed gravel
Three Creeks Lake (Road)
Distance: Approx. 28.1 miles
Elevation: 3,100’
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Road Ride
Surface: Paved (chip sealed) road with light vehicle traffic
McKenzie Pass (Road)
Distance: Approx. 29.5 miles
Elevation: 2,300’
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Road Ride
Surface: Paved (chip sealed) road with light vehicle traffic
PRT - Long Loop
Distance: Approx 16 miles
Difficulty: Moderate to Advanced
Surface: Dirt single track
Type: Mountain Bike Ride
Elevation: 831'
Sisters to Lower Black Butte Loop (Gravel)
Distance: Approx 19.7 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Surface: Mix of dirt single track and FS road.
Type: Mountain Bike/Gravel Ride
Elevation: 780'
PRT - Peterson Ridge Overlook
Distance: Approx 10.6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Surface: Mostly dirt single track with some FS road.
Type: Mountain Bike
Elevation: 521'