STA Trail Talk – A Year in Review
Nearly every day STA and its dedicated volunteers work to improve your trail experience and much, much more.
2022 achieved much and 2023 could be the organization’s biggest year yet, not only in terms of positively impacting your trail experience, whether by horse, by bike or by foot, but in terms of restoring, protecting, empowering and connecting people and nature in Sisters Country.
With your generosity in 2022, Sisters Trails Alliance hired its first-ever Executive Director; the organization underwent a re-branding and refined focus on mission and purpose; we “touched” more miles of trail with the most volunteer hours every recorded; and we have begun to look more closely at what it means to be a responsible recreationalist in an ever-changing world; we have supported more Sisters trail events than ever before, strengthened our board of directors with 3 new members, and brought more youth into the organization, building a future of stewardship with the hands and minds of the next generation.
With all of our successes in 2022, we must also reflect on what it means to recreate responsibly in this ever-changing natural world. Navigating the future of recreation, here and afar, challenges how we’ve enjoyed trails historically, however, STA is preparing as dedicated trail stewards to build a robust framework to ensure we recreate responsibly in nature. Vertebrate populations around the world, for example, have declined on average by 69 percent since 1970 and we can no longer deny recreational impacts on the same. The future of responsible recreation is NOW, and STA will help in? charting the course.
As 2022 comes to an end, please consider STA in your end-of-year giving. Donations like yours are an investment not only in your local trails and infrastructure, they also help us increase our impact, forming meaningful connections with our partners and our community, ultimately resulting in more responsible recreation in our delicate playground called Mother Earth.